Posted in Atom, Sims 4

Customized Markdown Images: An Atom Plugin

To write stories about my sims 4 main family, I’m trying using the markdown editing abilities of Atom. I tried GhostWriter, but it simply doesn’t even correct for special characters for itself.

So I took markdown-image-assistant and made my own little version of it markdown-image-assistant-useSameDir that puts the image in the same directory and can handle special characters in the file names of the images, because heck knows I wouldn’t be able to change how the sims 4 names it’s images. Bleh.

I managed to get it submitted to Atom’s website but it’s all blank. Which isn’t very helpful, but it will do for now. At least the package & code it’s online so if anything happens to this old rig I’m still using, then I won’t just lose the changes I made to that code.